Sunday, July 31, 2011

August 12 at Not My Dog!

I would understand fully if there were no followers or occasional checkers-in to this blog, given the lack of posts.  But if anyone outside the band happens to read this - we are very sorry, and we will make it up to you verbally.  There'll be so much blathering that you'll wish you never took an interest in this band.

And speaking of this band, we have been blessed with a set at Not My Dog (1510 Queen Street West, one block west of Lansdowne) on Friday, August 12, 2011. Yes, my friends, blessed indeed, because the Ethics themselves will not be playing until fairly late.  There will be at least one opening act.  One of them MAY be venerated local rapper Essential V.  The other opening act will be Heavy Ethics' bass player Chris Norman, who occasionally does an act entitled "Wussy Songs Of The 60s".  The act is exactly what it sounds like, so even if you don't like avant-prog-jazz-rock (and who doesn't), you may want to hear at least one of the opening acts for this increasingly unlikely band.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Takin' Pride in Bein' So Back

I know a lot of folks have been asking "when are Heavy Ethics going to play another show?" The answer's obvious, dummy. We're playing at Not My Dog on March 26, 2011, with an opening set by local rapper V (

We will be playing at least one new piece of music. Maybe. It doesn't really matter - what matters is the additional maturity that each of us will be bringing to this performance.

In summary, to those who have been asking whether or not we are back, and if so, how back we are, I reply that we are so back.